You reap what you sow

I don’t have green fingers. I didn't grow up in a house with a garden. I am well known for killing my plants. But when lockdowns had no end in sight, I felt an urge to get outside, away from screens and technology. I needed air, physical work and grounding.

These are some of the things I’m learning about life and business by tending to the garden.

Mimosa tree growing from seed. I love how perfect the leaves are and that the close at night time!

Mimosa tree growing from seed. I love how perfect the leaves are and that the close at night time!


If I told you I was frustrated because I had no strawberries in the garden in the middle of winter, in Ireland, you’d probably tell me to stop stressing and wait for the summer instead. There is a right season for everything, and that includes your business. It is ok to experience a metaphorical winter in business, when you need to quiet down and regroup until the energy for the next season comes. Being aware of your energy is key.

Going with the seasons is also a beautiful lesson on patience. Nature doesn’t rush things. In a world where productivity, hustle, efficiency, and deadlines are pushed and encouraged from every angle, creativity suffers.

Just a random summer day in Ireland!

Just a random summer day in Ireland!


Tending daily to your garden, your business, your creative practice, is the secret to reduce overwhelm and stay in flow. Some days will be more fruitful than others (see the way I didn't use the word productive there?) but keep showing up.

I love that the garden is a little haven for bees. In business, are you a busy bee or a Queen Bee?

I love that the garden is a little haven for bees. In business, are you a busy bee or a Queen Bee?


Some seeds won’t make it. Some plants will be eaten by bugs or go to seed. But Nature doesn't stop and neither should you.

Sometimes you fail because you made a mistake and other times the conditions just weren’t favourable; it was out of your control. A constant cycle of try , error, learning.

One thing I keep reminding myself about, is to always choose progress over perfection.

All my leeks went into seed this year, but how magnificent are these?

All my leeks went into seed this year, but how magnificent are these?


As seasons change, we are guided to reflect on acceptance and non-resistance. A green leaf doesn’t resist turning red when autumn approaches. It surrenders.

I have a hand written note in my studio for times of resistance:

‘What if you let go & lived life as if everything is rigged in your favour. Let go of all the heavy worry & stress. Trust that everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for’.

Waiting for these beauties to jump into my breakfast bowl!

Waiting for these beauties to jump into my breakfast bowl!

This side of the garden reminds me of The Jardin Majorelle in Morocco. I love the colour Indigo in the garden. Click here to see the transformation that Artist Fran Halpin did for us in 2017. Still looking great!

This side of the garden reminds me of The Jardin Majorelle in Morocco. I love the colour Indigo in the garden. Click here to see the transformation that Artist Fran Halpin did for us in 2017. Still looking great!


The seeds we plant today, and nourish with love and attention will result in fruits in the future, when the time is right. The growth never ends.

I am conscious of nurturing kindness, community, service and trust (and of course the odd little gem lettuce and my 15 tomato plants!).


Let me know what other things you have learned from nature or gardening that you apply to life or work.


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