Have you lost your mojo?

In Dr. Evil–Austin Powers’ words, mojo is ‘the libido, the life force, the essence, the right stuff, what the French call a certain, 'I don't know what'”.

Mojo refers to your self-confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy.

Mojo refers to your self-confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy.

The full body yes.

I remember listening to this interview with Elizabeth Gilbert, and she described the feeling of a full body yes. You can imagine how that may feel for you. Choosing a project that is just right. Completing a commission you are proud of. Achieving a result. For me, this is when everything seems to be aligned, all works. You are in flow and tuned in to abundance in every way.

And other times, inevitably, we encounter the full body no! This can manifest as struggle, self doubt, lack of confidence. Our inner critic’s voice dominates the internal dialogue. You try and try but somehow you have tuned out from the flow and you feel like throwing in the towel. Oh, and don’t forget to add a global pandemic to the mix…. The mojo is gone.

Does this sound vaguely familiar?

Does this sound vaguely familiar?

So, how do we go from ‘I am shit” to ‘this is awesome’?

How can we get our mojo back?

I have found a few things that work for me and my personality. And this is hugely important. It needs to work for you. We are all wired differently and following the wrong templates and formulas will only amplify your full body no.


This is honestly the most valuable lesson I have learned over the last decade. Showing up is where is at, even the days that you don’t feel like it. Get up, get dressed, go to the studio, do the work.

As Pablo Picasso said— 'Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.'


I love learning. My background is in Education and Psychology. Whether in person or online I’m always enrolled in some kind of learning program and everything I learn I bring it into my work, somehow. From accountancy, salsa dancing, dressmaking, framing, Irish Language, ceramics, marketing, singing, piano, journalling, yoga…and of course photography, I am always exploring. I get to meet lots of different people, approaches to work, techniques, practise the patience of being a beginner and I ALWAYS, ALWAYS find a spark that inspires me on a new project.


A lot of us in the creative sector work alone, which requires a lot of self discipline and it can be very isolating too. When the mojo is gone doing a collaboration with other colleagues is the fresh air we need to get back to flow! It is also a good way to have to stay accountable and do the work. Don’t let the current situation stop you from reaching out to colleagues and other businesses. A lot can be done online!


I’ve learned no to underestimate the power of rest. Some projects are intense and demanding and it is ok (and necessary) to take a moment to repair and recharge the batteries. I know when I get busy, screen time goes through the roof, in between shooting and editing, and I crave for disconnection and nature. Schedule time off for you. Do something that energises you. I recently read some statistics about entrepreneurs and the figures in relation to stress are truly scary. Mind yourself and your mental health. Without you, there is no business, no products, no artwork.

Take a deep breath and do whatever feels right today to allow your magic back again.

Thank you to the wonderful colleague Christine Burns for this photo!

Thank you to the wonderful colleague Christine Burns for this photo!


Before I sign off, I wanted to say GRACIAS for your continued support and trust. I hope we can see each other and work together soon. Big virtual hugs. Ana.


PS. Are you on Instagram? You can find me here. Let’s connect!

Cherry blossoms, Spring 2021

Cherry blossoms, Spring 2021


On brand Lifestyle photos you can create today


I’m writing this from a quiet house