5 Tips to more online sales

Some of the things I have learned about having an online business as a creative entrepreneur. They may help you too!


I get it. A lot of us are on the introvert side and the thoughts of getting in front of the camera causes us an allergic reaction. But the paradox is that it’s not really about you and it totally is!! People buy from people, especially those we feel we can trust and connect with. What you make is only a percentage of your business, you are the most important part! Without you, there are no products.

Tip: get yourself in the picture today and watch the reaction.

Branding image for Danielle Doody, Naturally at the Wrens Nest


Tell us more about you and why do you do what you do; what are your aspirations and inspiration. What do you love about your practice and business. Where do you work, what tools you use and why. Again, put yourself in front of your products and make yourself visible. 

Tip: take a photo of something you love doing in your work and tell us about it. 

Sketch books and journalling, paints, artist studio


Most of us are tired of the unrealistic perfection that is presented to us on social media. It is ok to be real. It is in fact, imperative! to share struggles, wins or to ask for feedback. It’s real connections, trust and authenticity that will strengthen your relationship with your audience and help you grow.  

Tip: take a ‘behind the scenes’ photo today. 

Portuguese Artist at work Branding Image


If you are super proud of that last piece you made, or that awesome project you just completed, it’s ok to pat yourself in the back and let others know that you are celebrating a win! Be proud of what you do, at whatever stage in your business you are right now and celebrate every step. 

Tip: take a photo of something you have made and feel proud of. 

Fused Glass Art piece by Vera McEvoy


It’s that simple; the quality of your images represents the quality of your products and vice versa. Consistency is also key. Don’t let one poor image devalue your entire  brand. All images should hold a similar standard. 

Tip: have a look at your website and shop listing and if there are photos that could be improved, make a note and work on them as soon as you can. 


Have a peek here if you want to see how I help other Artists and businesses with their product photos and to put themselves at the front of their businesses, in a relaxed and authentic way.


Backdrops as Shortcuts for Product Styling


Let your photos sell for you