Does this drive you crazy too?

Chances are, if we are connected on social media, especially through the incredible Online Community for Creatives, Bite the Biscuit, led by Irish Business Coach Tara Prendergast, you have already heard me discussing this.

I see businesses losing sales by:

  • Posting beautiful photos on groups or social media with no direct links to buy, no prices, no website, no online shop.

  • Asking people to ‘send me a DM for prices or if you see something you like’.

  • No information displayed on the About pages leaving the clients confused. Is this a business?

  • Using private accounts, especially on Instagram.

  • Sharing poor photography of their products.

Although we may not like it, we live on a InstaWorld. We see something we like and we want it now. Statistics tell us that we often buy on impulse and a sale is made or lost within seconds. Help your customers buy from you. Let’s have a look at things we can improve today.



I am amazed by how many businesses still have no information displayed on their About pages on Facebook or other social media platforms. This should not be a secret. It is crucial for your credibility that your page reflects you are a business. Take advantage of all the fields available.


Act! Review your Facebook profile today:

  • Add relevant contact and location information, including a website address

  • Allow users to leave reviews or send messages

  • Add a company description, a mission statement, profile picture and cover photo


Please don’t ask your potential clients to do detective work.

Does this sound familiar?

You see a photo of a cool product online. Great image, great product, great caption: you love it, you want to buy it…but there is NO direct LINK. That means you must now turn into Sherlock Holmes and click on their profile, find out their business page (if they have an About section filled in that is), find if they have a website… go through the website or other posts until you find that product. Find out how much it is…oh no! you must send them a DM first to ask for prices and pieces available…agh. It’s over.


Sadly for that business, your buying impulse is gone. It was too hard and your rational brain is now in charge, listing all the reasons why you don’t actually need that new pair of earrings or that gorgeous mug for your morning coffee.

Act: Every time you share a product online, make sure to leave a direct link on your post that people can click and purchase from.


For most of you this is obvious. If you are a business, you must have a website or the facility to sell online somehow. There are many platforms like Squarespace and Shopify that have simple templates to set up and link to your existing social media platforms. If you feel this is outside your skills, please consider outsourcing.

Tip: If you need financial help to outsource services related with trading online, including photography, get in touch with your Local Enterprise Office and enquire about applying for the Trading Online Voucher. It is a great resource!!

Tip: If you need financial help to outsource services related with trading online, including photography, get in touch with your Local Enterprise Office and enquire about applying for the Trading Online Voucher. It is a great resource!!


Fact: It is hardly a secret anymore that photos are key to e-commerce success.

The quality of your images represent the quality of your products.

Ask yourself: how is your work represented online? Are your current photos helping you sell, and sell at the price point you’d like to? Have you ever considered having your products photographed?

I am only an email away if you need to discuss your project in detail.

I am only an email away if you need to discuss your project in detail.

Remember, talk to your Local Enterprise Office for support if you need to outsource photography. Don’t let your budget get on the way.


Before I sign off, I wanted to say GRACIAS for your continued support and trust. I hope we can see each other and work together soon. Big virtual hugs. Ana.

PS. Click here if you want to explore 5 simple tips for increasing your online sales.


The worst thing that can happen to your business


On brand Lifestyle photos you can create today